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Delivered by Cameron’s Kitchen

Great customer service at your door

Fresh Cooked Meals

Using the freshest, local ingredients

No Contracts

Spend Work Day Lunchtimes Relaxing Instead of Foraging for Food

The work may be piling up on your desk and your boss might have asked you to work through lunch. Because of this you’ve grabbed the most convenient (and least nutritious) meal and dutifully shuffled back to your desk. These times can be tough, not only on your stress levels, but also on your waistline.

Whether this type of situation applies to you or maybe you’re just an office worker who loves to grab the easiest option from the takeaway down the road, it doesn’t have to be like this! It doesn’t have to take huge amounts of effort, or a heap of cash – you can just go online and have a selection of tasty, healthy meals delivered for the whole week!

Give Yourself Time to Relax on Your Lunch Break

Even if your boss is making you work through lunch, you can still relax a bit more with your fresh meal that’s already been delivered. No running out to the shops or maybe eating nothing as you have no time to leave your desk!

If you have a lunch break, this is usually just an hour and by the time you’ve gone outside, found somewhere to eat, had your meal, the time is usually up and you have to go back to work! Take back some of your time having a healthy meal delivered to you, so you can put your feet up, go for a walk in the fresh air, or maybe even make it to the gym.

Healthy, Tasty, Varied Meal Selection

Maybe your whole team in the office has decided they want in on the meal delivery service, but there’s a few fussy eaters in there! Never fear, Cameron’s Kitchen has a range of healthy, traditional favourites, gluten free, vegetarian and dairy free options to choose from. Each meal has a nutritional breakdown on the page, so if you’re looking to control weight or even get more protein in your life to bulk up, you’ll be able to pick something that’s right for you.

And of course it shouldn’t be all work and no treats! If you’re working hard, you definitely deserve a few rewards occasionally and you’ll find a range of deserts available like mouthwatering chocolate brownies and blueberry cheesecake on the menu.

Get to Know Your Team Better

If you’re new in the office or even if you’ve been there a while, everyone may just rush off during lunch to their favourite cafe or even to a fitness class. It can be hard to break into friendship groups and having meals delivered to the office could help everyone get together more.

Why not talk to your work team and suggest having fresh meals delivered to your place of business? You could even suggest it to your boss, with the angle of how much more focused you’d be after lunch having a healthy meal. Point out that choosing the only option in the area which is fat filled and nutrition-less, could send you to sleep in the afternoon office slump!