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Delivered by Cameron’s Kitchen

Great customer service at your door

Fresh Cooked Meals

Using the freshest, local ingredients

No Contracts

What Will You Do With the Extra Free Time?

Spring is in the Gold Coast and Brisbane, and with summer just around the corner, there’s lots of fun you can have outdoors. Eating healthy consistently is the key to keeping you looking and feeling good. If you want to stay energised for all the fun in the sun to be had, you need nutritionally balanced meals.

Planning, preparing and making healthy meals each day can be a chore and take up a lot of your time, especially if you have a family to think about. It can take around an hour minimum researching, shopping, chopping, preparing and cooking each day, and then there’s all the washing up to think about! And of course, how often do you shop for food and realise you have too much and it gets wasted?

Enjoy More Family and Social Time

By using Cameron’s Kitchen healthy meal delivery service, you’ll be able to enjoy more quality family time. Instead of slaving away in the kitchen, you can spend time with the kids helping them to do their homework, watching the latest movie or just hanging out hearing about their day.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to take a yoga class or just have an hour catching up with friends? Now with the stress of meal planning and cooking removed, you can enjoy an extra hour of YOU time. In the warmer evenings, you can enjoy being outside without having to rush home and attach yourself to the cooker.

Reduce Stress and Get Fit

Planning a week of healthy meals in line with your goals can be stressful. You may want to lose weight or get extra protein to feed your muscles and finding a range of healthy meals that are tasty can be a mission.  Cameron’s Kitchen will shoulder this stress for you, as all meals are researched and prepared by an experienced chef. You can check out all the nutritional values before ordering any meal to ensure it’s in line with your goals.

Start a New Hobby

You may not know what to do with all the free time you will create by not having to prepare meals for yourself and your family, so it could be a great time to start a new hobby. Maybe you’ve wanted to learn how to start your own business or learn a new language. The extra hours you’ll have, will give you that time to nurture a new interest and who knows where it may take you?

Just Relax

Of course, having extra free time doesn’t mean you have to fill it with hobbies or fitness classes, you are allowed to just take the time to chill out if that’s what your body needs. Working long hours in an office or in any job, can mean that stress builds up and if left unchecked may lead to other problems. Know that its ok to just go home and put your feet up – your body deserves it.